About MWA

On a classical monochromator/photomultiplier setup, only one wavelength can be recorded at a time. For multiple wavelengths, scans need to be repeated and experimental duration is multiplied.

The MWA detector records complete spectra and acquires radial data for 2048 wavelengths with one single scan. It is available for UV-VIS and NIR-VIS ranges.

In the past 20 years, interference optics was often preferred to absorbance optics for the merit of being much faster in scanning. However, interference detection is unspecific. Specific absorbance detection is now available within a comparable timeframe.

Using absorbance optics adds the individual spectral properties of different species to their individual – or common – sedimentation properties. Thus, MWA data allow for multiplex analysis, deconvoluting complex mixtures by the combination of sedimentation and spectral properties.

MWA detector in 3D
Multiwavelength absorbance detection:
Advancing from monochrome to spectral detection.